Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Barcelona January 2009 continued again

After a short nap we got ready for our walking tour of the city on our way to our welcome dinner. We were introduced by Sam to come of the greatest architecture in the world, mostly by Gaudi, possibly the greatest visual mark on Barcelona.

The combo of color and curve makes Barcelona seemingly a fairytale of a city.

(Casa Batilo, Gaudi)

The restaurant we were welcomed to Barcelona was bizarre, walking in, legs of meat were hanging everywhere, and we were led through an "old world" pub of sorts where we were seated and served Traditional Spanish Tapas and Red Wine, and quite possibly the best bottled water I've ever tasted!!! Haha! After being toasted by Alicia, we finished dinner and all headed over to the "Ice Bar" on the Mediterranean Coast.

The bar was like nothing I'd ever been to -- we paid a 10euro cover charge to get in which included our first round of drinks. They gave us coats and gloves before we went into the bar - it was entirely made of ice! The floor, the ceilings, the walls, the bar, the shelves, the stools, there was an ice sculpture inside and even the glasses were made of ice!!! It was an extremely small room, but definately neat!

(My drink at "Ice Bar-celona"!!!)

Because of jetlag and what felt to be a five mile walk to this bar, about 6 of us decided to hail a taxi cab and head back to the hotel. Let me warn you...avoid taxi's at all costs!!! Not only did our cab driver not know how to get to our hotel but when he finally found it on his GPS we felt like we were in a Jason Borne movie, driving at extremely high speeds down side streets so small we thought we wouldn't fit if another car came by, swerving in and out of traffic and expecting at any second a head on collision with anything moving or not moving in the city. Upon arrival at the hotel I wanted to drop to my knees and kiss the ground, just grateful to be back on stable ground. But hey, it made a story right?

**To be continued...**

.:*Remember there's no traveler like an EFCB traveler!*:.

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